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Cloud Accounting

We use cloud Technology for recording accounting transaction for entities engaged in Small and medium enterprises. This helps you to save your time on balancing books and financials than growing your revenue. This helps to complete your accounting needs without tedious manual processing, simplify tax time and improve transaction recording accuracy by engaging us to provide the timely accounting information and financial statements.

Tax Auditing

This is to ensure that your tax obligations are compliant with relevant legislations and act on your behalf in case if there are post lodgement issues.

SMSF Structure

The standard SMSF structure set up is for two or more individual trustees with a maximum of four. The other form is to set up a Corporate Trustee as a member of the SMSF. We provide services in the areas of set up, accounting of SMSF transactions and create financials for the fund and conduct audit and lodgement of Tax and Annual returns on timely basis.

Cashflow Management

Cash flow management involves setting up a system and recording transactions on timely basis so that the management can understand every inflow and outflow of cash, Cash included assets which can be converted into cash such as inventory , receivables , investments into stock, bonds and other securities. As business owners spend more time in creating cash and capital infusion, implementation of appropriate cash management system held business track how come and where gone of the liquid assets. Most of the business venture needs proper management of cash to sustain business uncertainties.

Strategy Advise

The areas of advice include Business structuring, benchmarking, budgeting, cash flow forecasting, business improvement & performance review and sustainability. Business sale, merger and acquisition.

Wealth Management

We provide through our associate the wealth management services. This is an investment advisory service that combines other financial services to address the needs of affluent clients. It’s a consultative process whereby the advisor gleans information about the clients wants and tailors a bespoke strategy utilising appropriate financial products and services.

Loan Advise

It comprises of Mortgage against house property, refinancing, business financing and assessment of your working capital requirements, cash flow management and receivables management. We will optimize your loan by reviewing if you can use a split loan to keep non taxable debt separate taxable debt – and then come up with a plan to pay off your taxable debt faster- Nothing like saving faster.

Business Management

Management is easy to understand but difficult to define in a universally acceptable way. At times, it is referred to as a process, followed to achieve organisational goals. The key areas we deliver in managing your business are cash flow forecasting, budget preparation and analysis, review and implementation of management information system. business advisory, preparation and identification of KPI suitable for your business, Breakeven analysis, trend analysis.

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